Intro time :) tell us about yourself

Hi everyone, I’m Paulo Ribeiro and I work at Codacy as a Technical Writer. :wave:

I have a background in Computer Science and got to work briefly as an IT consultant, but I soon developed an enthusiasm for supporting the users of a product through useful and straightforward documentation. :nerd_face:

Over the years, I’ve found that software developers are demanding about having documentation that helps them perform their daily tasks, and also value quality documentation when they find it. :woman_technologist: :heart: :bookmark_tabs: I invite you to come on over to the documentation section of the Community and discuss all things related to the documentation there.

Out of the office, you can probably find me in a nearby mountain or forest :mountain: :evergreen_tree: riding a bike :mountain_biking_man:, trail running :running_man:, or perhaps just shooting photos. :camera: I find that being in close contact with Nature can be both relaxing and fun!

Finally, I must confess that I’m a bit of a tea snob :tea:, so never mind if you find me fretting about the water temperature and the seconds it takes to brew a delicious cup of tea. :slight_smile: