About the Community

Welcome to the Codacy Community Forum! :wave:

Everyone is invited to participate and take advantage of the knowledge our amazing community of developers has.

Our mission is to create a global community of experienced and novice engineers and developers who will support, challenge, and inspire one another by providing a platform for networking, support, exchange information, and fun. The forum is to connect our users, developers interested in learning more about code review and with our product experts - it is the place to discuss Codacy and code quality, where you can search content, track interesting conversations, share learnings, and start new topics & discussions that you may think are valuable to the community. We encourage you to share your knowledge, ask questions, participate in discussions, and become an integral part of this network :slight_smile:

Contributing can include blog posts, documentation, discussions on this forum and social media, provide feedback on our roadmap, meetups, presentations, and more.

You can read about Codacy’s latest announcements, ask questions, enter competitions to win badges, and more. It is organized by categories so you can easily find what you’re looking for.

Additionally, there are some categories to help you meet and network with other community members, such as:

  • Welcome :rocket: – introduce yourself and learn about other community members
  • Contributing to our documentation :open_book: – if you have any tips for us to improve our documentation, please discuss here (discussion about open source projects using Codacy)
  • Code City :sunglasses::coffee: – code quality and casual, off-topic discussion channel

We’re here to help - If you have feedback, questions, or would like to get more involved, contact us at community@codacy.com.