Vote now: Which Open Source project should Codacy sponsor?

Dear members of the community, your vote matters!

We want to support more OSS projects at Codacy, and we would like YOU to tell us which one.
Open Source Software helps developers and companies solve problems, innovate and find support in communities, adding a great deal of value.

What is an OSS that you value most and use often?

:point_right: Link the project in the comments and tell us why you value it
:point_right: Vote on your favorite OSS by liking :heart: the comments

The winning project will be sponsored by Codacy so that they can have more resources to keep on doing what they do best. :muscle: :moneybag:

How will the winner be picked? Our team will take into account:

  • The most interesting descriptions of the projects and how they’ve helped you
  • The most liked comments

Not sure where to start?

Here are some OSS projects that Codacy already supports:

JSON for Modern C++
Python Telegram Bot
Android Modular Architecture
HPX (The C++ Standard Library for Parallelism and Concurrency)

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