Documentation updates: Codacy API overview and RSS feed for release notes


Here are two recent improvements to the Codacy documentation.

I invite you to check them out and reply to this post if you have any feedback or suggestions for more improvements like this! :email:

:woman_technologist: Codacy API overview

There is now a new section dedicated to the Codacy API:

This new section provides:

  • An overview of the capabilities of the Codacy API
  • How to authenticate on the API
  • How to obtain and use the different API tokens
  • Examples for the most useful/common use cases using the API (for now it’s actually only one, but more will come :hourglass_flowing_sand: )
  • Links to the already existing reference docs that before weren’t easy to find

This is just a first iteration and we have plans to keep on improving and iterating this documentation.

:bell: RSS feed for Codacy release notes

You can now subscribe to an RSS feed from our Release notes page to get an update whenever there is a new release notes page. In particular, you can use this to be notified when we release a new Codacy Self-hosted version.